To purchase lifetime, open a ticket in our Discord.
No other cheat comes close.

Master Rust with OXIDE: The Ultimate Cheat for Unmatched Security and Performance
OXIDE is our flagship cheat for Rust, offering superior security and efficiency for players looking to dominate the game. Running externally and requiring minimal resources, OXIDE is lightweight, minimally intrusive, and provides unbeatable protection from detections. With a flawless track record and many users leveraging OXIDE for months without bans, this cheat delivers advanced features such as silent aim, triggerbot, admin tools, aim prediction, and more, giving you the upper hand in Rust.

see through walls
Our ESP wallhacks let you see through walls like an x-ray. Customizable, effective.

farm resources
stack bases
Use OXIDE's extensive ESP features to farm materials and raid other bases to stack your own base in no time.

raid ready
easy raids
Using OXIDE full rage or legit - our menu has many features allowing you to fully customize how you play Rust.
- Silent aim (Head, Chest, Stomach, Pelvis)
- Smoothing
- Auto Shoot (triggerbot)
- Wait For Power shot
- Target Team
- Visible Check
- Hit chance %
- Draw FOV
- Target Line
- Fire Speed
- Fast Bullet
- Always Automatic
- Instant Eoka
- Instant Bow
- Shotgun No spread
- Thick Bullet (0m - 1m)
- Bow Thick Bullet Override
- Weapon Sliders
- Recoil X
- Recoil Y
- Spread
- Fire Speed
- No Fall Damage
- Infinite Jump
- Spiderman
- Flyhack (Toggle, Hold)
- Desync/Fakelag (Toggle, Always, Amount)
- Suicide
- Small Capsule
- Interactive Debug Camera (Camera Speed, Camera Speed Fast)
- Omni Sprint
- Shoot While Jumping
- Player ESP
- Show Team
- Show Wounded
- Show Sleeper
- Show Dead
- Name ESP
- Box (Full, Corner)
- Healthbar (Side, Bottom, Top)
- Distance (Side, Top, Bottom, Name)
- Skeleton
- Bounding Box
- Chams (18 options)
- Hotbar
- Icon Hotbar (Show Name, Show Amount, Hotbar Size)
- Hand Chams (18 options)
- Weapon Chams (18 options)
visuals (cont.)
- World ESP
- Ore Name
- Ore Distance
- Sulfur
- Metal
- Stone
- Collectible Name
- Collectible Distance
- Hemp
- Hemp Distance
- Vehicle Name
- Vehicle Distance
- Minicopter
- Scrap Heli
- Deployable Name
- Deployable Distance
- Stash
- Tool Cupboard ESP (Show Upkeep, Show Auth)
- Tool Cupboard Distance
- Workbench ESP (T1, T2, T3)
- Workbench Distance
- Other World Name
- Other World Distance
- Corpse ESP
- Dropped Weapon
- Hackable Crate
- Traps (Shotgun Trap, Auto Turret, Sam Site)
- Trap Max Distance
- Tugboat
- Admin Flags
- Zoom
- FOV Changer
- Time Changer
- Bright Night
- Long Neck
- Remove Layer
- Custom Stars (Brightness, Size)
- Custom Clouds
- Custom Sky
- Battle Mode
- Hitbox Override (Off, Head, Chest, Foot)
- Fast Loot
- Instant Revive
- Equip While Mounted
- Hit sound
- Ignore Tree Collision
- Ignore Player Collision
- Menu Accent Color
- Watermark
- ESP Font (Pixel, Roboto, Minecraft)
- ESP Outline (None, Half, Four, Eight)
- Crosshair (Dot, Plus, Cross, CSGO)
- Disable crosshair while aiming
- Show Bow Crosshair Always
- Separate Distance Placement
- Separate Distance Color
- Configs